Customer focus
Gateway Cargo continually refines and improves its service offerings through ongoing communication with customers.
Gateway Cargo aims to be a trusted, valued, and respected partner by building long-term relationships with its customers and gaining a deep understanding of their markets, goals, and strategies. To improve its customers’ supply chains in terms of total cost of ownership, visibility, and lead times, Gateway Cargo focuses on gaining insights into their needs and requirements.
Gateway Cargo has established an extensive network that recognises and meets the distinctive requirements of each customer. By constantly communicating with customers through workshops, whiteboard sessions, customer service teams, and joint management meetings, the company consistently enhances and improves its service offerings.
Customer surveys
In order to stay informed about customer opinions, Gateway Cargo conducts surveys periodically. One such survey, known as the customer focus survey was held during the second quarter of 2023. The survey was conducted with key accounts to understand the most important factors that customers consider when building a business relationship. Additionally, the survey aimed to gauge how customers measured Gateway Cargo and its competitors based on these factors, and also identify areas where Gateway Cargo could improve its services. According to the survey results, Gateway Cargo was recognised for its global network, high-quality and reliable service, as well as competitive prices and value. The results of the survey were communicated internally for continuous improvement actions, and also to ensure transparency to our customers.